He lost no time making me care about the main character, just a child at the beginning of the story.

I can’t begin to tell exactly why this story affected me so deeply, except to say that the author did everything right. I’m still in the glow of living vicariously in Uhtred’s world. Review #2 The Last Kingdom audiobook in series The Last Kingdom Series Its incredibly disappointing, especially when compared to the show, which certainly is also about war, but is also about human beings. He is devoid of normal feelings, and has little to no human reaction regarding death, violence, war, or grief. The book is basically glorified battle scenes told from the pov of a shallow, irreverent teenager who just likes killing things.

Brida, who in the show is a well rounded character, is as two dimensional as Uhtred. We see his internal struggle, and the push and pull of the two different cultures.

In the show, thankfully, we are given answers for this. Then later, (spoiler alert) when Ragnar is killed, he abandons the Danes and agrees to kill themand we dont know why. He immediately takes to the Danes, and likes them because Ragnar is funny, and he doesnt have to read or pray. If he has any feelings about this, we dont know what they are. The Danes kill his brother and his father. The entire book is incredibly juvenile and shallow. He makes a huge life decision, and he literally tells the readers I did it because I was bored. He hates Christian conformity, and he likes Dane nonconformity. he makes decisions based on the fact that he likes to fight, and he wants to be a warrior (Cue endless battle scenes). Though it is first person narrative for the main character, the reader isnt given the main characters motivations for much of anything. There is little to no character development for anyone. The book reads like it was written by a 15-year-old boy. We see them struggle with decisions, consequences, beliefs and circumstances. Viewers understand characters motivations, even if we dont agree with them. I bought this because my family and I binged watched the Netflix series The Last Kingdom, which is brilliant, and based on these books.